She/her. An aspiring visual novel/interactive fic creator. I'm way better at writing than I am art but I do try!
My goal in life is to create stories for the monster pal genre that caters to a more mature audience. This means I want to pen (and draw for!) works that focus on the interactions between humans and monsters in fantasy worlds while also acknowledging the severity of such relationships existing (whether it be through the manifestation of enigmatic phenomena, the suffering of body horror, or just flat out brutal violence where situations can turn out to be life or death at any moment).
Particularly, I'm most interested in creating monster pal stories featuring a wide variety of queerplatonic relationships (from romantically-inclined to platonically-inclined to family-inclined ones), strong character development, and a mildly-unique plot built on the back of fascinating worlds. I want to muse on the idea of what politics would look like in these worlds, how the presence of monsters would impact the local economy, and how societal expectations are altered by a world that accepts otherworldly beasts instead of condemning them.
Also, I want to write cool female antagonists as well! Specifically, nuanced yet hostile female characters who are sympathetic because wow do I need more characters of this archetype in my life :Dc
There's particularly a lot more I'm interested in writing about (eldritch phenomena and eldritch worlds among them!) but that's the gist of what I want all my projects to be about :Dc
Currently, I'm working on four projects:
This profile will be updated as I go! Keep in mind though that, at the moment, I'm only able to give the bare minimum of what my projects are about. If you're even mildly interested at what these stories entail, I assure you they're a lot more complex than what I've put on the tin here :>