Thank you for 100+ downloads!!!

Heya!!! It's been a while since I've revisited this game but I've noticed a sudden uptick in downloads (which is ??? to me because I haven't advertised it but glad it's still getting love) and in the meanwhile Blue Moon Lament has reached 100 plus downloads!! 

Since this is my first VN game, I'm mightily surprised (but happy!!) it's gotten this far! There are a lot of things I think I can improve about it (the text size, more visual indications of whose speaking at what time, etc.) but it's cool to have reached this point! Thanks to everyone who downloaded the game, commented on it, and added it to their collections! I'm glad this little game of mine has been enjoyed by people and going forth (esp. after feedback on Glass, Shatter) I'll try and make more games in this style!

As a treat, here's a chibi-esque sketch of the main crew in their Lamenter outfits! I haven't drawn them all in quite a bit but they're a very colorful cast and I hope to revisit their reincarnations in my Gladiators story down the road ^^

Files 181 MB
Oct 06, 2022 216 MB
Oct 06, 2022

Get Blue Moon Lament

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